Our Services

We provide tax planning and consultancy services across all tax heads.

Services to Other Professionals

We specialise in providing tax advice to firms of accountants, tax advisers, corporate finance advisers, independent financial advisers and solicitors in Ireland, Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.  We can provide discreet confidential specialist advice or second opinions to your firm to enhance your service offering to your own clients.

We will work with you as required to ensure that your firm always has control over the client relationship.

We do not provide legal, audit, assurance or financial advice or services to clients.

Private Client Services

Our services include:

  • Income tax, USC and PRSI advice
  • Capital gains tax advice on the disposal of assets
  • Stamp duty advice on the acquisition of assets
  • Gift and inheritance/succession tax planning including advice on business property relief and agricultural relief
  • Settlements, trusts and estates
  • Tax advice on the disposal of a business or shares to maximise the tax reliefs available such as retirement relief and revised entrepreneurs’ relief
  • Tax advice to shareholders on the reorganisation of their business via share for share exchanges or share for undertaking swaps.
  • Retirement planning including maximisation of retirement relief and revised entrepreneurs’ relief where applicable
  • Tax efficient redundancy planning
  • Relocating to or leaving Ireland including advice on the tax implications of residence and domicile
  • Relationship breakdown
  • Prompted or Unprompted qualifying disclosures to Revenue and attendance at Revenue Audits.

Business Services

Our business services include:

  • VAT transactional advice
  • International tax, VAT, VIES and Intrastat advice
  • VAT advice on property acquisitions and disposals
  • Tax advice to business start-ups
  • Partnership taxation
  • Business tax advice on restructuring including incorporations, share for share exchanges and share for undertaking swaps
  • Tax advice on the disposal of a business or shares to third parties and/or family members to maximise any tax reliefs available such as retirement relief, revised entrepreneurs’ relief and business property relief
  • Business termination including advice on tax efficient cash extraction
  • Tax due diligence reports
  • RCT advice
  • Prompted or unprompted qualifying disclosures to Revenue and attendance at Revenue audits

Corporate Services

Our corporate services extend our business service offering to include:

  • Transactional tax advice, including international aspects, across all tax heads
  • Asset acquisitions and disposals
  • Intra-group transfers
  • Company reoraganisations and amalgamations
  • Takeovers and management buy-outs

Tax Compliance Services

We also provide a very broad range of tax return compliance services to selected private clients, trustees, partnerships and corporates across all tax heads:

  • Income Tax
  • Corporation tax
  • Capital Gains Tax
  • Capital Acquisitions Tax
  • VAT
  • RCT
  • Stamp Duty

For more information on our taxation services then please contact us.